Case Study - Quark Expeditions.







VR tour around the new RNLI's Shannon class of lifeboat.





The Idea.

To have a virtual tour of the new RNLI lifeboat that has just been put into use. Broaden accessibility to supporters of the charity.




The Creation.

The client wanted the ability for people under the ages of 18 and others that can't gain access to the boat to still be able to have a tour. Those that are under 18 can't have a tour incase there was an emergency and the boat had to be deployed right away. A Virtual Reality Experience that allows anyone, of any age to be able to have a tour of the boat.


We took 360 degrees images of different points on the boat put it within an app to allow anyone to download and enjoy. We used our new UX design that's been recognised in the open universities on how to create UX in VR.    




The Result.

A Virtual Reality app that allows anyone, of any age to be able to have a tour of the boat. The RNLI were delighted with the app and purchased branded cardboard headsets to broaden the use for visitors to the lifeboat station. As the RNLI is a non-profit charity they also hoped to increased donations from supporters, school children and others for who access was limited.


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